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We promote patients to use online services and NHS App in which you are able to view results once they have been seen by the GP or other clinician. Should this not be an option we invite patients to contact the Practice after 2pm. We do not normally contact patients with a normal result. Patients do have a responsibility to chase their own results.
Important information for patients who bring in Urine Specimens for testing:
There have been important changes made to the way the surgery deals with Urine Samples for testing:
The decision to make these changes were made to ensure that our patients are being clinically managed appropriately and safely. We are following the latest clinical evidence and guidance.
In Future, we will now only accept Urine Specimens at reception which:
- Have been requested by a clinician (we need to know who has requested this sample)
- Are accompanied by a completed Urine Sample Form (located at Reception) which MUST be completed by the patients/person dropping of the sample
Patients who fall into the below category will need to arrange a telephone consultation and a sample should (NOT) be dropped of without speaking with a clinician.
- Under 18 years of age
- Over 65 years old
- Male
- Have a long-term catheter
- Pregnant
All urine samples take 3-5 days to be processed by the pathology lab, therefore if you feel your symptoms require immediate attention, please ensure you advise the receptionist were you will be signposted to a appropriate clinician.