Clinics We Offer

Family Planning
The Practice offers family planning and contraceptive services for our registered patients. These clinics run on a Friday between 1pm and 4pm. Appointments are required.
Child Health & Immunisations
The children’s vaccination clinic is run by the practice nurses between 14:00 – 16:00 every Thursday, however if these times are not convenient an alternative time can be arranged.

Asthma Clinic
Our nurses hold regular asthma clinics; please make an appointment if necessary.
Cervical Smear Tests
It is recommended that all women have regular cervical smears. You will be notified by post when your smear is due. Smear tests can be performed by either the practice nurses or the doctors. A smear test is an essential part of any well women check-up. It involves a small inconvenience but it is very worthwhile as it enables us to detect early and treatable diseases of the neck of the womb. The doctors and nurses would be happy to further discuss this test with you.
Minor Surgery
The practice holds minor surgery clinics regularly. A range of procedures are now available including the removal of small lumps and bumps, and the removal of toenails. Please make an appointment with the doctor during ordinary surgery to discuss any arrangement for a minor operation.

District Nurses Tel: 01706 764 316
Our district nurses are based within the health centre. These nurses provide general nursing care to patients who are ill at home or housebound. They also run daily clinics in the treatment room for dressings, blood tests, ear syringing and injections.
Health Visitors Tel: 01706 764 314
The health visitors are specially trained nurses concerned with the health of people of all ages, particularly children aged under five. They make home visits and give advice and information on health matters.
Community Midwives Tel: 01706 378 166
They help care for women during pregnancy, delivery and after their baby is born. They run regular antenatal clinics, relaxation and parent craft classes.
Treatment Room
Tel: 0161 763 8525